
return of the rentals

My parents just got back on the road and are headed home to MD. They arrived Friday night, and gave Liz and me an excuse to see some of Greensboro. We found a great used bookstore with stacks of cheap paperbacks and a semi-organized cataloging system, which I consider optimal in a used book store. We also tried some recommended local barbecue and talked basketball with our 6-year-old neighbor John, who just played in his first game.

On Saturday we went on a baby-buying bonanza at a place called Babies R Us and now our nursery is beginning to come together. We have an undersea-themed blanket, fishy-mobile and bumper set for the baby's crib. We also hung a couple pictures.

Poetry related invective:
My folks brought me some mail that had trickled in since I moved down to Greensboro. I received a "response" from either the Potomac Review or Poet Lore, but I can't tell because they couldn't be bothered to include a rejection slip in my neatly addressed SASE. They simply sent my poems without comment. These mags are both in MD, and being a Marylander, I can't help but feel slighted.


Unknown said...

Re: poetry invective, that shit happened to me once, I'm never gonna send to the mag that did that to me again.

takahashi said...

Yea, once i got a quite pompous one that read "we shall not be using your work"...