
the kid is [not] my son

Despite having been warned by Tokesha (who assures me that she is a fan of the KIPF brigade) that blogging is totally white of me, I figured I'd resume posting. Actually, reviewing that list, I realized just how white I have become. I mean, I totally like Netflix and farmer's markets! In high school, I was maybe 4 percent white, judging from the list. Now come to find out I could be fully 72-ish percent white, as evidenced by my penchant for natural medicine, sushi, and making people feel bad about not going outside. At least I totally hate irony. Even my poor innocent baby seems to be white by virtue of having two last names. Mercer & I discussed the whole "what if Rowan decides to combine names with a future partner who also has a hyphenated last name" scenario and decided it'd be cool to have great great great grandkids with like 64 last names. Let the next generation figure it out! Muhahahaha.

Rowie is napping, so I suppose I ought to be taking advantage of this brief respite by folding diapers or wiping down the kitchen counters. So irresponsible! Actually, there are pretty much two sure-fire ways to get the baby to sleep (however briefly). Number one involves copious amounts of milk, until, dazed and slightly cross-eyed, he somehow detaches his mouth and plunks his head down on le boob. The second sleep solution involves dancing. Anything loud with a beat will do, but somehow Michael Jackson seems to have the most immediate narcotic effects. So yeah, we have been revisiting Thriller. As Mercer so succinctly put it, "how could anyone so batshit crazy produce such a badass album?" I concur, my friend. Though I gotta say The Girl Is Mine is pretty ridonkadonk.

Oooh, I hear the stirings of Rowan, and sadly I am a crumb and have no new pictures to post due to failure to download 'em onto the computer. Next time, Gadget!


Tokesha said...

I think I'm full 75 percent white (as evidenced by things such as my love of higher education, sushi and Arrested Development, for instance). You're not even the whitest of the two of us so you shouldn't really worry. But...blogging should count for like 5 or 10 points--hmm...

Tokesha said...

Wait, I hear there's a place in NC where they serve 30 different milkshakes. Is there a place like that in Farmville? I need to make sure I do everything possible.