
warrior one!

I got to feeling like I had been shirking in my blogging duties, so here's an obligatory update post. We've had some pretty exciting times lately here in Kittenland, aka Greensboro, and by exciting I mean lots of 4am barfing. 4am barfing ain't what it used to be. Now it involves a different kind of scene: an infant, a changing table (Rowie only pukes on the changing table--I have yet to figure out why. However, he also really enjoys the changing table). Anyhow, Rowie and I just returned from baby's first yoga class. I had my reservations: what if he screams the whole time? What if he poops midway through? What if he can't pull off a perfect warrior two? But it was a very relaxed scene, and even if he had gotten hungry/pooped/cried, such things are bound to happen when you're dealing with tiny folks with no socially-mediated hangups.
Rowie has also been enjoying tubtime, as predicted by me (Mercer isn't a big fan of the water, so he has secretly hoping for an aquaphobe of a son). But he seems pretty soothed & calm when he's in the water. He does not, however, enjoy hairwashing. But who does, really?
Mercer and I both have some semi-big professional news. Mine is just that I have shifted positions within the Dept. of Public Health. It's a little tenuous, as the position is grant-funded and thus subject to the whims of the CDC/political influences/syphilis-contracting trends of the greater GBO area, but it's more within the realm of my grad studies. And I'll let Mercer share his oh-so-exciting professional news--plus, I think Rowie is starving. Don't want to deprive a boy of his milk fix.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeehaw! Off the fatty beat and back to the hos!