
cookies for breakfast, cookies for lunch

We have been spending increasing amounts of time outside of the pillow fort as of late, as weather has befitted a southern spring. Mercer grades his students' final papers at our outdoor table, pausing every once in a while to inspire laughter and lounge on the blanket with Ro and me. Despite the good times, Mercer is still a tough grader. I have to advocate for his students. No grade inflation going on here!
Ro has discovered sleep these past few days. Yesterday he initiated napfest 2008 just a few hours after waking up. He napped as we took a long walk in the afternoon. And then he napped for much of the time we ate dinner. Finally, he slept from 9:30 last night 'til 6 this morning. While I have spent several months wishing for such a night, it strikes me as a little disconcerting. Last week he was waking up every hour and a half throughout the night and barely ever napping. So why all the sudden sleeping? I'm hoping it's just a marker of a growth spurt. Isn't that what teenage boys do, sleep 13 hours a night and eat, like, 5000 calories a day? That's what my brother did, at least. Even if I am a little worried, it was pretty great getting all that semi-uninterrupted sleep.

Yesterday, as we were awash in grading (Mercer), napping (Rowan), and doing who-knows-what (me), a package arrived at out front door! Said package was obviously from someone who knows us well, as it contained multiple packages of deeeee-licious cookies! It also contained a number of those festive party blower things that often accompany a child's birthday party or a New Year's shindig. Rowan really enjoyed gripping said blowy diggie, as evidenced below.

The cookies hovered behind us, awaiting devourment! Thanks, Andrea & Keith & Doov (especially for coordinating all the way from SWITZERLAND)! We're plowing through 'em. Being made with whole wheat flour and all, they're perfectly healthy breakfast fare.
At least one of us still grapples with veggies from time to time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad y'all are enjoying the healthy snick-snacks! for the record, the cookies help to end homelessness in massachusetts, too. what more could a progressive sweet-lover ask for?

i think that rowan is the cutest baby ever.

just sayin'.