We've had a fun week here in the pillowfort. It's getting hotter, so we've used the stroller a couple times. Rowie seems to like it. He likes seeing what's what.
Liz is thinking about leaving public health behind for a career as a stroller model.
This past week, R had his first babysitter experience. Ms. S from next door watched him for a few hours T/W while I was tutoring. He came through the experience okay (he basically slept the whole time) and this afternoon we're going to finalize arrangements with a provider to watch him part time during the week. It's pretty tough to hand him over to anyone else, but there isn't much of a way around it.
Here's the boy. In case you forgot, he and I have matching boots.
R seems to be discovering that he has fingers and that he can use some of his fingers to hold the other fingers. As a result he seems to be rubbing his hands together mischievously much of the time.
We borrowed a Bumpo from our local baby-people friends B&C. Their son liked it, and Ro took to it well. Here he is, not quite having a staring contest with himself (who he may not yet recognize).
As some of you know, Liz is a proponent of kitten liberation. As a result, I spend most of my rhetorical persuasive energy fending off demands like: LEASHES FOR KITTENS! LEASHES FOR KITTENS! Well friends, this past week, I lost a crucial battle in that polemical eruption of dander, claws and the great outdoors.
I'll leave you to guess how this turned out.
Last evening we had some crazy weather. Violent t-storms with bubblegum-sized rocks of hail came down, making great PINGing noises off our gas grill and ricocheting off the neighbor's utility shed like deep flies off the Green Monster. Kittens were wigged! Rowan, unperturbed. Mama and Papi, delighted. Look at the hail!
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