Over the past three-four days, Rowan has been striking like a French civil servant (gratuitous use of hyerlink feature here). He doesn't want to nap during the day and he's also waking up a lot at night.
Now they say that life changes a lot after you have a baby. In fact, for everything that once existed in your life, you will find a new corrolary. However, this is not the Neoplatonic universe wherin "each kind / Does straight its own resemblance find," nor the correspondence of state to individual or macro- to microcosm. No, this is the parenting universe. Truisms like "hate begets hate" and "Those to whom evil is done / Do evil in return" are reduced to "those who do not nap do not sleep through the night." They say sleep breeds sleep; however, Rowan is not about to breed any sleep if he can help it.
In spite of his sleep strike, we're all having a way fun weekend.
L and I are reaping the first benefits of the garden installed by GranpaS. A baby-sized zuke appeared under some green leaves, so we turned it into bread (you can see that I don't have the green thumb in the family).
Before we started baking, R unsuccessfully petitioned to turn the zuke into a teether.
As parents, L and I are now in a new mktg demographic. Maybe this is why we greeted the discovery of this show like a moonlanding for the 21st century.
holy shit that is the biggest zucchini have ever seen! amazing! i like how ro is holding it to him like it is his best friend.
sleep strike is a tortuous thing indeed. my condolences to you. you would think that a tired baby would be more inclined to sleep, but it seems like its exactly the opposite. wtf?
FYI, Vasmay is outta business, THERE'S NOTHING LEFT IN NY FOR MEEEEE
But yeah, that zucchini is pretty amazing in a non ghey way.
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