On the babyproofing front (no, not proofing our house against an invasion of babies . . . ), I have spent the past few weeks tracking down the lead history of this house, which was a concern, as it was built in 1895. We knew there had been some sort of mitigation effort done as part of a nationally-funded lead removal program. I tracked down the documents and it seems there was a lot done about five years back--new siding, new windows, etc. I know I grew up in an older house that was chock full o lead, but it never hurts to be careful! We'll probably have to do a little more painting and, sadly, more frequent moppings.
We have spent most of the weekend engaged in domestic pursuits of one sort or another. I don't know if it's living in the South or seeing more houses of grownups and less the apartments of my peers (no offense--y'all know I love you), but lately I have been pretty aware that my own living space lags far behind that of others in terms of cleanliness. I mean, our neighbors, my coworkers, Mercer's new classmates . . . you walk into their homes and the freakin couch pillows are perfectly fluffed. If you were the kind of person who fixed your hair, you could do so in the chrome of their faucets. And no dust on their blinds or baseboards! Cut frame to nuestro casa. View some soiled and crumpled pants of Mercer's tossed under the dining room table. See the stained couch, the artfully splattered with several varietals of barf (baby, cat) carpeting. Witness the brownie crumbs, cat fur, and old spaghetti sauce plastered to the baby's onesie as he drags his small torso across the floor . . . you get the picture. But the thing is, I don't know if I care enough. Or have the time! I mean, we've done five loads of laundry and spent the weekend cleaning and the place is still a mess.
Also in this week's news, on Wednesday, to be exact, Mercer celebrated the big 2-9! He and Andrea both, actually. Happy Birthday, kids! Also, both Mercer's and my parents celebrated their big 3-1. Anniversary, that is (Yup, they were married on the exact same day. Awwww!). Happy Anniversary, kids! So yeah, the 20th was a big day. Ro stayed at daycare a little later and B and Oui came from Raleigh, cake in tow, to help us celebrate. We went out for Indian food, picked up, Ro, and
Ooooh, also this weekend, we checked out our new neighborhood's People's Market. It turned out to be a couple food vendors, some crafts, a few fruits & veggies for sale. Everyone was really friendly and welcoming. One nice young mom gave Ro a cute onesie and we got signed up to be on the neighborhood's email list. The neighborhood has a mixed reputation--there are definitely areas I wouldn't walk alone after dark, but so far it has been a pretty friendly place.
AND tomorrow is a momentous day for many that we pillow fort residents hold near and dear. Mercer starts his PhD program. Uncle T starts his second year of law school. Auntie Kesha starts her new job at a law firm. My mama starts the sixty second year of her life. And Auntie Dre moves to Rwanda! I'm getting a little teary-eyed writing this, and I miss her so much already, but I don't have the slightest doubt that she's going to do some amazing things. And I can't wait to link to her new blog whenever it debuts!
Next time on KIPF: a tour of the new casa, featuring close-ups of all the barf splatters and dirty socks!
Glad you ain't doing the cleanliness arms race with the other folks, next thing you know you'll be in their bookclubs talking shit about that couple down the street who comes home suspiciously late on occasion.
Plus it'll build up Ro's immune system so he can eat a nuclear missile and be like wevs.
true dat! that's my excuse--i want my baby to have strong 'mmunities.
Yes, he needs strong immunities so he (and his 'rents can come visit me in Africa one day!). Can you believe you now have loyal readers on at least three continents (forgive my ignorance but is New Zealand considered part of the continent of Australia? Or is it Asia? Anyhoo . . ) . . .oh wait, I guess it's four if Andrea is keeping up as well . . .Miss you guys sooo much! Can't wait to tell you all about my pursuits. Love, A
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