I'm starting a new work schedule next week. In exchange for starting work at 7 and working late some evenings, I'll have Fridays off! I think--I hope--it'll be a good change. Maybe it's because I have been listening to a lot of NPR coverage of the Palin-inspired redrudging of the late 90s mommy wars, or maybe it's just that I have realized that every single social outlet for moms and/or babies (storytime, yoga, neighborhood get-togethers) takes place on times like Tuesday at 10am, when it is virtually impossible for a working mom to participate, but I have been thinking a lot as of late about women, work, and family. Much as I bitch about my long work hours, I gotta give props to the stay-at-home moms out there. I am way more exhausted after spending a day caring for a squirming, active six-month-old than I am planning public health programming and trolling the mean streets for people to test for syphilis . . .
Ro has gotten noticebly harder to photograph as of late. Kid won't sit still (see evidence below--he wants to pull a zombie baby instead of sitting pretty for the camera). Even his last waking moments of each day are a tempest. He screams and thrashes in my arms, and finally, when his screams die down to low babbles and his thrashes to twitches I know he's almost there. Not to jinx it or anything, but he has been sleeping much, much better, these past couple nights.
Hey, he's looking cute, both in AND out of his little hat.
I can't wait to meet him!
i really wish that nayou and ro could get together for a play date. they are the only two babies that i know who are constantly on the move and won't stay put. we could have races and take bets and everything!
brenda had a super hard day with him today... nayou was super fussy and she was exhausted by the time i got home from work. she said that reading your props to stay-at-home mums made her feel a bit better :)
t-squared: I KNOW!!! other babies always seem so calm. ro can't sit still to eat. he crawls around the crib in his sleep! i wonder where he gets it from . . .
and seriously, i feel bad saying it (not to mention having to outsource ro's care), but it must be soooo exhausting to parent 24/7. i sometimes almost feel like, stressful as it is, work's a little break in between my primary job.
a: i know. i am already ridicuously excited and have told everyone who cares to listen (and some who probably don't but are trapped listening anyhow) about november. i have already started planning some of the food. oh, and other stuff too.
thanks for the actual compliment! the hat's a perfect fit now.
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