
forced to blog (aka, oh! the injustice!)

Our house (part one of a heretofore failed effort to blog about our new house. I can't quite ever seem to get it to the state it ought to be in to take pictures of it, and now we are experiencing additional not-quite-so-cosmetic issues, like some porch leaking, which sounds like a euphemism but isn't.):
Soooo I had a really long, hard day at work. Okay, maybe not so hard. It was one of those days I found myself slumping over my keyboard practically drooling on myself out of exhaustion 'round about 3:30. I think part of it was that my friend Tamika and I went to my local favorite fast food spot, Cook Out, for shakes. We split a watermelon, just because we're crazy like that, and a caramel fudge. The watermelon was a pleasant surprise, subtle, with real chunks o melon and no pinky-red food coloring! So yes. Long day, extended by the dramatic comedown of a double shake sugar rush. Come home, do the home thing, after Ro utters his last subdued protests of the day (he has a truly awesome falling asleep ritual going), all I want to do is watch some trash TV. But we don't have a TV. So I ask Merc if we can trade computers so I can watch a DVD on his and he can work on mine (the DVD function on mine has been busted for years). And he says NO. That's right, NO! So. Forced to blog instead.

But that's okay. Blogging probably uses a few more of my tired brain cells anyhow, and plus I have much to report!

This past weekend was a long one, though not long enough, and we were graced by a visit from . . . live, from NYC, Auntie Alyssa! It was fun. In fact, I daresay it was wicked fun. And once again, Ro was entranced. They got along swimmingly, as evidenced by the above! He seems a little confused about her whereabouts now. As we all are. She was here for three days, but it felt like such a short time! In short, we talked politics and food and life states and work and twittering and much more, discovered the waterpark (okay, "discovered," along with a third of the population of this fine city), got in a couple slides before it started to rain in earnest and the park shut down, took a few walks, hiked in the mountains, ate a lot, chilled on the porch (oops, I mean veranda) . . . Somehow I was not the documentarian of the festivities as I would have hoped. But that's 'cause I was too busy having a superamazing time! And Alyssa was much better about it that I was. Ro also enjoyed attempting to document his surroundings, and by document his surroundings I mean drool on Alyssa's really nice camera. BTW, yes, those are pants on Ro's head. Being a bad (unprepared) mom, I forgot to bring a hat, or a burp cloth, or any kind of covering device, on a particularly sunny walk. And so . . . the pants were removed from the bottom and became a do rag. We got a chuckle out of the idea of pants on the head. I may send these pix in to Bravo to try to land a spot on Project Runway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am completely jealous.

houses. milkshakes. alyssa. not fair.
