
Holiday Retrospective

It's true, we do have a new camera on the SB ranch, but for tonight, we still only have old pictures. So even though we went up to visit Maw-maw and Grandaddy B this past weekend and took a ton of pics and had a great time, there is, as of yet, no way for us to prove it. Instead, I'm posting some older holiday roundup type photos...blahblahblah...

Here's Ro with wheelyBee, plucking out his souless black eye (or is that an antennae?) Either way, he has moved past excitement over the box that wheelyBee came in, and is now excited about wB himself.

R is getting so big that his toys are all taking on new roles. He doesn't need his red walker (Crazy-Driver) toy to take those 20 or so steps from one oasis of parental leg to the next, and we have now lost hope that he will spend any significant time in the otherwise lovely Jumparoo or Safari Swing from here on out. This man makes an enemy of anything with a strap or restraint of any kind.

Here's a scene from our last visit to the 'ville. L is getting Ro in on the garden party at an early age. The book is the beautifully illustrated and pleasantly rhymey Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes by Mem Fox and Helen Oxenbury. Ro is starting to really like other kids. We went to a neighborhood playgroup when T and Amy were in town--R tackled kids with hugs! Much more placid kids! Kids halfway to twice his age!

Anyway, he hugged them.

A pretty new development over break was putting things in containers and taking them out. R has since coupled this passion with an abiding interest in adult-sized glasses of water. If we're not careful, he just plunges his arm in up to the elbow.

Failure to allow the man to plunge his arm in your water ma result in some old fashioned hollering.

Additionally, he climbs stairs. Up at Granddad and Mawmaw's he was up to this same trick, and the dog just didn't know what to do...

Here's a shot representative of the Christmas melee we got ourselves into in GA. I think there's something oil-paintey about it.
Next time, some new pictures, (we promise...)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is little of holiday or retrospective in this post, the title is full of lies and hate; why man whyyyy?!?

I was at trivia last night with Brandon and his sister and a bunch of her good looking friends and I was sitting between Brandon and his sister and his sister smelled nice so I kept smelling her which seems kinda perverted and desperate but it's kinda like when you walk past a KFC you can't just not flair your nostrils right so anyway before that outside there were these massive ice spikes like 4 feet long and I was gonna take a pic of them and send them to you via cell but for some reason I can't send anything aside from txt with my cell so ditto on that but I'm here to let you know that you were gonna a pic of some massive ice spikes, massive CANADIAN ice spikes.

Also, does ice conduct electricity? I was wondering that during trivia and asked a few people and no one knew.