
we suck.

Mercer and I are failing at this whole being a grown up thing. We just sat down to have our first big budget talk (our spending is more than our incomes, what do we do?). The best solutions we could come up with involved me eating less prepared snack food at work and Mercer eating less Chik-Fil-A en route to pick up Ro at daycare. The whole conversation went down while we were eating the most adult dinner of all time--mini pizzas. I even had a nutty buddy, chocolate chip, peanut butter, banana, cookie dough sundae for dessert. Sigh.

Another way in which we suck at adulthood? Somehow, we both thought that the mortgage was being automatically drafted each month and thus failed to pay for our house for the months of September and October. Ooops. My credit rating has suffered as a result. When I went online to pay up, I found that you have to fill in an explanation of lateness using a drop-down menu. There was no response that said "After working a 12 hour day testing jail inmates for syphilis, coming home, feeding, bathing, tickling, kissing, and playing with my eight-month-old infant, and occasionally managing to do such household tasks as scrape 6 day old banana-cheerio mash off the floor before falling in bed, I barely have time to bathe, let alone open boring-looking notices about a mortgage that I thought was all set and paid for." Nope, I just had to select "oversight."

In less defeating news, it has been a really fun weekend so far. Mercer, Ro and I went to the arboretum and the international grocery store last night. Then Grandma and Grandpa S and Aunt Hannah came down from Virginny for the afternoon today. They came bearing lunch for all and sweaters for me, both of which were awesome. Ro looooved the attention. We raked some leaves (okay, grandma raked some leaves--the yard suffers til we get visits from either set of grandparents) and took a fun fall walk. Ro showed his skillz at crawling through the tunnel and up the slide at the park. It was so fun he forgot to nap. Easiest bedtime ever tonight!

I know this blog has gotten awfully boring without pix. I really will post new ones soon. Reallyreally!


Unknown said...

My word verification this time is "tedise." Say it aloud a few times and lolz with me here.

Re: deficit, have the wedding soon to replenish the coiffure!

takahashi said...

hey sam, you want to drive a car down from mass to gso?

Unknown said...

What's gso? And when?