
This one goes out to Matthew . . .

So anyone who knows us (and that's 100% of our readership of 2) knows that we reside with several kittens. Two, to be exact. Cats, to be exact. But they're both one the small side, so they still get referred to as the kittens. Anyhow, they're always up to hijinx of one sort or another (eating things they're not supposed to, pooping where they're not supposed to, that sort of thing). Audie (atop box, in pic to the right) has always been borderline bulimic, but as of late she has been enjoying a wee postprandial puke somewhat more often than before. And the kittens' newest trick is to devour the barf. Audie usually spews on the carpet or the food dish-- wherever she happens to be at the time--and then Lemmy (inside box, in pic to the right) comes 'round the corner and licks it up, much like the oft-tacked on last verse in that fine playground ode beginning "I don't shut up/I grow up." I'm sure you can fill in the rest. So anyhow, yes: barf, Lemmy eats half, Audie eats half. Seeing this routine played out the other day came as somewhat of a relief, 'cause before Mercer moved down here I was running out the door to work and caught Audie puking just as I left. I didn't have time to clean it, but then when I returned the barf was gone. I freaked myself out thinking that our home had been the victim of a heinous crime of a barf-cleaning kind, but then I realized the cats had just gobbled it down. Phew.

So I guess Merc just about covered the remainder of our weekend. Birth classes, a couple movies, a costly expedition to Earth Fare, some dawdling and scraping barf out of the rug with the designated vomit knife, and now it's almost time to return to cubeworld, aka work. The birth classes really were pretty fun, and I really like the studio. The prenatal teacher is so great. Now if only I could give birth there . . . I'm sure I could apply all the relaxation techniques better. I am not someone who is reassured by the presence of technology, so hospital settings make me kind of tense.


lil' maxwell said...

Best blog yet!


Anonymous said...

About 45 minutes after I talked with you about Matthew wanting to see more of the cats on the blog, Matthew said to me "Hey, have Liz and Mercer written anything new?". So we pulled it up and BAM! "This one goes out to Matthew...". It was, what do you call it? ... awesome timing.


Anonymous said...

Ahem. Readership of two? May I suggest a sitemeter (sitemeter.com)? More posts! More pictures! Get a'writin'!