attack of the job-procurers
My last post was cut short by the wails of a ten-day-old. As I resume posting, I have a thirteen-day-old slumbering near my belly, making sweet but slightly disconcerting coos. Mister Ro had a trip to the pediatrician's office today. he continues to put on weight like gangbusters. He's 8 lbs now--ever so much more rugged and sturdy than a mere 7 pounder.
What else is going on here in Greensboro? We are mourning the losses of one Ms. Sosler (who, incidentally, is to be congratulates for her tremendous job-procuring feats--go on Dredre) and one Little Brother. Fortunately, T will be returning in a few days, only to fly back to Illinois again! Alas and alack. But I'm sure we will enjoy a smattering of additional guests over upcoming weeks, starting with a visit from Grandma S this weekend. we'll just have to wait and see who materializes! Oooh, and incidentally, you didn't hear it from me, but Dre is not the only job-procurer dear to my heart. In the past several weeks, Tokesha, Alyssa, and Carrie have all found gainful employment as well. I am damn lucky to have such wonderful and talented friends (read: friends who can support a wee nephew whose parents are in perhaps the least lucrative fields ever: public health & poetry).
I need to download some more pictures--the ones contained in this post kinda have nothing to do with the content of the post itself. However, the young mister sure does enjoy his bouncy seat, courtesy of Jane. In other news, yeowzas, we got the L&D hospital bill today, and alls I gots to say is I'm glad we have insurance. They charged 3 grand for the delivroom/labor and over 250 for drugs, even though I didn't use any. Sum total for Ro and me: over 5 grand.
The Yin and Yang kittens, never ones to avoid a sunny spot, have been spending hours each day curled up on the sunporch.
We looked in the local paper this past weekend to check out Big Ro's birth announcement, and the only name listed was mine! Poor Papi gets no recognition. Actually, that's the way it was at the hospital as well: Rowan was listed under my name for everything. Merc has turned to the bibi (thanks for the Eurotrash version, Taisuke) for comfort.
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wow, i can see lots of liz in rowan's face! not much mercer (yet) but i'm sure that will come. nayou was all brenda during his first weeks. but now i am sure that he is mine. glad to see that he is super duper cute. i can honestly say that he is adorable without having to cross my fingers behind my back. woot woot!
i often find myself turning to the bibi as well. i'll have it in my mouth while i change nayou or something and end up sucking on it absent mindedly until brenda gives me that "wtf" look. what can i say, sucking is fun!
umm... i started this comment because i had something clever and witty to say but the excitement of talking about bibis has turned my mind blank. that's what i get for going off on tangents.
Well I'm glad he looks at least a little bit like me! At first, everyone was saying how much he looks like Mercer but of course that could just be an evolutionarily-rooted response to allay paternal anxiety about the baby's identity: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23373414-details/Why+all+mums+say+baby+looks+just+like+daddy/article.do
Yeah, I loved seeing those pix of you & Brenda as little kids! Nayou is like a perfect blend. Plus your noses all look kind of similar!
Actually, Rowan will sometimes deign to accept the bibi but what he really loves is my knuckle. He will go off on it 'til it's misshapen and I am tired of doing everything left-handed. Silly guy! Hmmmm, what's with all these orally fixated daddies and babies?
Thanks for the shout out Lizzie! I miss you guys!!! Will just have to come back for another visit very soon. Best thing about job is that I don't have to start until September so I'll have lots of time over the summer (and hopefully before then, too) to visit!
Love you guys
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