The midwife (really, all the midwives at the practice) was wonderful, and all the nurses and staff at Women's Hospital were great. Rowan came through the birth healthy, weighing 7lbs, 7 oz (about 3.4 kg...I had to google "metric conversion" for that one). They took all the initial vitals/measurements right there in the room, so we got to spend some time with him before he went to the nursery. They have this great program in NC that collects cord blood from the placenta and puts it in a public "bank." Then the stem cells are used for research and medical treatments. We were really glad--Liz's placenta had a high count and will be used for some sort of good. The alternatives in American hospitals are expensive private cord blood banking or the hospital disposing of the placenta. I don't think they let you take it out of the hospital.
Here is Rowan in his fetching hospital whites. We asked that he not get a bath right away so that he could absorb the vernix into his skin, and not have his smell washed away immediately. The hospital honored this request, but put a little sign on his crib that said, "Use gloves when you hold me, I have not had a bath." I think that phrase should be on a t-shirt.
Rowan had a big fan club already assembled. Granma S came to hold him...
As did Aunt Hannah...
...Granma B...
...Granpa S...
...and Granpa B. After two days, he and Liz came home, and we had a birthday party!
my my my. what an adorable little guy rowan is. reading your account of the birth reminded me of what a bloody miracle the whole process is. seeing it first-hand really makes you marvel at the awesomeness of creating new life.
a big big congratulations to you both! keep those photos coming - i wanna see as much of nayou's future playmate as i can!
Bravo, Liz-ster. So on a scale of 1 to 10, is the pain a "10"? That's what I thought. Congrats to you too Mercer, even though I haven't met you. Me and your baby will be puking together soon, mine alcohol-related. Love, Annie (and chris).
Congrats, guys. I love the picture of him with Liz's mom. He's all like, "ZOMG!"
He's totally my favorite baby right now.
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