
gravida 1, para 1!

Yay! Yay! Yay! That's about as articulate as I get these days--my brain is suffering from some serious sleep deprivation, but I feel way too hepped up and excited to care. Mercer & I wrote a little about the birth experience. I feel somehow lacking in documentation of this whole time but too floaty and unfocused to write a ton. The birth was so amazing though--I can honestly say that now, from nearly a week's distance. I realized I was in labor at the grocery store and 12 hours later was projectile vomiting and making detached-from-the-human-race noises. Mercer said it was half the Exorcist, half the most incredible thing he had ever seen. And then the birth's over and all the things they don't tell you about start happening--if you don't know what I'm talking about, I won't go into it on a semi-public forum.

But all this is of no consequence. Evolution must be doing its thing: how else could I feel so intensely in love with someone I have known for less than a week? It's so funny looking down at him and recognizing the movements he made in utero--the dreamy swimmer's arms, the wince-inducing heel kick. Both the nurse who came out to the house yesterday and the pediatrician today mentioned how relaxed Mercer and I seem as new parents. I don't feel particularly relaxed, but I'm glad we're throwing off that vibe. The pediatrician assured us that Rowan is flourishing--he asked if Mercer is a fisherman and hid some lead weights somewhere on Rowan 'cause he's doing so well in the weight gain department. He's back to birth weight already. See? I'm already one of those annoying parents who brags about her child's every accomplishment.

Well, this is gonna be a boring post: no new pix uploaded yet, but I'll get around to it in a bit.

1 comment:

smoov daddy t said...

hooray for weight gain! glad to hear the little man is sucking down breast milk like a champ. i'm sure there's a joke at mercer's expense in there somewhere, but i'll be an adult for once and leave that stone unturned.

the description of the groggy night time feeding sounds oh so familiar. you two will be able to function like normal adults on three hours sleep in no time. we're nothing if not adaptable!

more pics more pics more pics! and let's see some of the proud parents, eh?
