
resb, back by popular demand . . .

Or at least the demand of one of the few people I know who is equally baby-obsessed.

It has been a dreamy couple of days, sunshine punctuated by a brief but violent thunderstorm and lots of muted indoor time. We (who am I kidding--when I say "we" I mean "Rowan") have had two very special surprise guests.

First, from the wilds of Pennsylvania (okay, Philly), the unstoppable shower-loving, cold-hating Aunt Dredre. Poor Andi drove down half the east coast Friday, got in Friday night, and left this morning to drive all the way back up. What a trooper! We didn't exactly party it up old skool, but we did play a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit last night that lasted almost til midnight! Phew.

Yesterday Dre and Rowan and I picked up Uncle T, who took a break from his scholarly pursuits and beer & darts leagues to fly into Greensboro for a visit. Of course the first thing he did was hold his nephew. Then he cleaned the kitchen and the cat litterbox area.

1 comment:

smoov daddy t said...

aaah more rowan pics. love the one of him and t (hey t! glad to see you're still rocking those bunny ears). babies are so cute when they sleep with their mouths open like that! i feel like my day is complete :)

hope you and mercer are doing well!