we also realize that some of you may actually know our kittens lemmy and audie, and that those of you who know these kittens may be saying to yourselves "baby's are well and good, but this blog is called KITTENS in pillow forts, not BABIES in pillow forts! what of the furry babies? what of tabbys, torties, and tuxedos?" well, here's your answer...
...they've run for the hills or, at least, the washing machines.
we all went to the pediatrician today and confirmed that rowan is growing like a madman. while we were in the waiting room, there were two other babies--a 1-yr-old and a 2-yr-old. the 2-yr-old yelled "ba-by," ran across the room, and hugged the 1-yr-old out of nowhere! she embraced the "baby," she looked into the "baby's" eyes, she attempted to give the "baby" presents in the form of pediatric brochures! she wooed, wined and dined the "baby"! it was almost unbearably cute. then, after his appointment, having been lauded by nurse and pediatrician alike and drunk on baby-worship, rowan passed out on a tummy-time mat.
possibly the most labor-saving news of the day is that rowan is now the proud owner of two one-piece, PVC-free, Soothie brand pacifiers (which seem to be working like a charm!) mama may actually get some sleep tonight...
also, sadly, grampa and granma b leave tomorrow, so liz, rowan and i will be all alone for the first time. eep! but we have more visitors on the docket. uncle t comes to visit this weekend, and we have possible guest appearances from auntie dree-drees and auntie carrzzz (sorry for the nicknames...i'm getting punchy....)
wooo! thanks for the "ups"! now the diaz/tanimura clan is famous in america.
you two do look relaxed. this is a good thing. also, it won't last (just kidding!). i see you have also discovered the joy of the 'bibi' (pacifier in italian - gotta start raising nayou eurotrash sometime). its been a godsend for us as he is quite the little sucker. fuck all those people who talk shit about how they are bad. pacifiers rock!
another thing that rates very high on my awesome scale is unicorns. this is the best unicorn:
and then you should also check out:
go unicorns!
Thought of the day: babies look like frogs when they're really small.
I'm so jealous you have a washing machine.
Ohh I just came across this.
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