
couch papi

i'm just like k-fed. for serious. except without the golf hats and the party-hopping. instead, i've been kicking it at the dmv this week. (q: why did i link to something as sucky as a dmv website? a: that's just how me and k-fed roll.) now i have new tags, insurance and a new license. this one has an airplane on it. it was way easier than in nyc, so nc rawks. maybe because there's no "y."

i'm also collecting new part-time jobs at a smartish pace. the bad news is that my newest job is working for a company that has over 1400 stores in america. plus coffee. plus a dumb hat. you get the pitcher. i have to say, however, that the store managers etc have an interesting rhetorical stance toward the job. they do this thing where they treat unappealing (work-related) things with language appropriate to fun and slightly forbidden things--things that people might do when they were really going to "cut loose." for example, a store mgr may say, "if you feel like taking samples of a scone to customers MORE than once a shift, don't worry about it! it's fine, IF YOU WANT TO DO THAT." or, for example, "yeah, if you want to spend your ten minute break at the manager's computer looking at training videos, that's okay. don't be shy! live it up!"

in much better news, baby boy is big and all his numbers are good. last monday he was estimated at about 6lbs 4oz. liz says that he has been scooting and rolling and tumbling nonstop. Even though we are sure he is very handsome, he is unfortunately very camera shy and has not really let the ultrasound techs get a nice glamor shot of him. I'd post the kind of fuzzy pictures but i'm sitting on a hosp sofa...

and preparing to blab at students about paulo freire's "the banking concept of education," praxis, and brazil, brazil, brazil.


Anonymous said...

I'll have a tall vende carmel mocha whipped skinny marachino macchiatooooo with extra sugar, please.


Unknown said...

Went to the NYU alum reading at Pacific Standard and saw J Rat there, she was with a friend (can't remember her name now) who apparently a) lives in Greensboro and b) MFAer (poetry) and c) teaches freshman comp. You've met her before according to J Rat.

Anonymous said...

I'll have you know the sunshine had me watch training videos last night. I've been working there for 2 1/2 years now, intending to quit in approximately 4 months. These videos took 3-4 hours and were hosted by the same guy who went on to host Blind Date! At least I got paid for it.